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 An industry like advertising adopts a media on the basis of its reach. In today’s time, digital marketing is said to have a higher reach than the print and television. However, the young and the middle-aged are comparatively more active on digital media than the senior citizens. Naturally, if the users shift to the digital media leaving behind the traditional broadcasting media like the radio, television, magazines, newspapers, etc. The broadcasters are adapting to the changing lifestyle of the population and coming up with communication strategies which are less time-consuming. The communication evolution has made us witness the shift of newspapers to E-papers, short news pieces on the news apps, video recording options (so that it can be watched later). All these examples are to suggest that the broadcasters are shifting to online media because the users are increasing in number each day. Even our Prime Minister preaches India to go digital. For sure, digital media is currently the big thing and is expected to stay here for long as it expands even further.

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